A new fixed-dosed combination therapy for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura was approved last month, offering another option for those who need relief. And another therapy is expected to enter the market next year.
An Historic Investment in Female Servicemembers
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“BioBonds” Could Revolutionize Funding for Medical Research
Preventing Migraine Can Improve Comorbid Conditions, Too
Headache Patients Go to Washington
One in six Americans suffers from recurrent headaches. Congress can help.
That was the message from hundreds of patient advocates who gathered at the U.S. Capitol for this year’s Headache on the Hill. People living with migraine and other headache disorders use the annual event to highlight legislative solutions that could improve their health care – and their lives.
Can AI Diagnose Your Migraine?
Congress Questions AI’s Role in Medicare Advantage Denials
Why So Many Migraine Patients Get Treated in the ER
When Migraine & Menstruation Collide
COVID-19 Continues to Challenge People Living with Headache
Exclusion Lists Undermine Migraine Treatment Options
Open Enrollment Features Limited Options for Migraine Patients
Advocates Call for Adding Migraine Screening to Well-Woman Visit
For many women, her annual well-woman appointment may be the one time a year she speaks with a doctor about her health. And given that women suffer from migraines at a rate three times that of men, amending the Well-Women screening to include questions about the disease has the potential to benefit many women.